Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Governor’s gratitude to National Steel Company of Iran

Governor of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari appreciated and thanked the actions of National Steel Company of Iran in order to create sustainable employment and development efforts in this province. According to the public relations report of Sepiddasht Company, Gholam Ali Heydari, in a meeting with Moham Aghajanlou, the CEO of Iran National Steel Company, expressed his satisfaction with the implementation process of Sepiddasht Steel Manufacturing Unit and said: This province is one of the deprived regions of the country, and the establishment of steel industries in this province is definitely in the future. Not so far away, it will cause major changes in the province. He added: We expect that other industries will be established in the province along with steel and auto sheet in order to remove poverty and deprivation from the beautiful province of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari. In this meeting, the CEO of National Steel Company of Iran also presented a report on the progress of Sepiddasht Steel and stated: God willing, we will soon witness the opening and operation of the steel production unit of this company, which will play a significant role in the construction and development of the province and changes in the economic geography of the region. Aghajanlu pointed out that with the establishment of a steel plant, 800,000 tons of steel will be added to the country’s steel capacity, and direct and indirect jobs will be created for more than 1,000 people.
