Today before noon

The Deputy Minister of Industry، mine & trade and Chairman of the board of IMIDRO visited  Qhaenat steel projects before noon today

According to the Public Relations of Qhaenat Steel Complex, Mohammad Reza Movasaghinia and his delegation visited DRI, briquetting and steel making units of this complex before noon today.
According to this report, Javad Ashrafi, Economic Deputy of South Khorasan Governor, upon arrival of Movassaghinia, welcomed and congratulated him on his designation as Deputy Minister of Industry, mine & trade and the chairman of the Board of IMIDRO and stated: Qhaenat Steel Complex is the largest industrial project in the province, its  first phase  was inaugurated and operated last year by the honorable President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
He stated due to useful actions and round-the-clock activities which are taking place We hope to see the opening of the steel unit soon. Ashrafi pointed out the role of Qhaenat Steel Complex and noted that the establishment of this complex has played a very important role in sustainable development and employment in the region and province, which should not neglect the strategic role of IMIDRO and National Iranian Steel Company in this regard. I would like to thank and appreciate the executors and conductors of this great project.

According to this report, during this visit, Mohammad Aghajanloo, managing director of National Iranian Steel Company, briefly reported the conditions of the complex.

Subsequently, Rasoul Ahmadzadeh, head of Qhaenat Steel Complex, described the process of construction and equipping the complex and reported the production and sale of sponge iron &  equipping and completing the steel making unit.
He also stated : the Briquetting Unit of the complex was operated in government week with a capacity of 33,000 tons of cold briquettes per year.
The manager of Qhaenat Steel Complex also added:” hoping that With the operation of the oxygen plant of this unit, with a capacity of one million tons of steel , will be put into operation next year.”
This report states: Movasaghinia After visiting the projects of this complex, participated in a meeting with the contractor and consultant of this complex and was informed of the issues, problems and actions taken.

Movasaghinia after hearing the opinions of the officials of this complex, issued the necessary orders to be follow up in order to solve the problems, added: “I am very happy to see the operation and development of this complex in one of the deprived provinces of the country that has been able to change the economic, social and cultural aspect of this region and I would like to express my thanks to all those involved in this complex.
According to this report, in this visit, Hesam Moghadam Ali, mining deputy of IMIDRO, Mohammad Aghajanloo managing director of national Iranian steel company, Mohammad khademi, deputy of planning and developement of National Iranian Steel Company, and Khodayar Karimnejad, managining director of IMPASCO accompanied deputy minister.
