“Scrap Shortage” Crisis: The Steel Industry’s Great Challenge for Sustainable Production

 The steel industry, one of the key sectors in reducing emissions and moving towards sustainable production, is facing a crisis of steel scrap shortage as a secondary resource. The production of steel from scrap in comparison to iron ore has lower pollutant and plays an important role in the decarbonization of this industry. ‎

‎ ‎‎ Despite predictions that indicates the share of scrap steel will increase to 44% of global production by 2050, the need to focus on decarbonizing steel production from iron ore remains vital, as it will continue to be the world’s main source of steel. ‎

‎ ‎‎ Global demand for crude steel will increase from 1.9 billion tons in 2021 to more than 2.6 billion tons by 2050, putting additional pressure on scrap resources and the need to innovate in sustainable steel production.
