IMIDRO chairman of the board:

There is no prohibition on supporting innovative and technological projects in the mining sector

While emphasizing that the bans in the development of innovation should be turned into promoting factors, chairman of the board of  IMIDRO stated, “There is no ban on supporting innovative and technological projects of the mining sector.” According to IMIDRO Public Relations, Mohammad Reza Movasaghinia in a meeting with the executer, managers and the expert body of IMINO, emphasized on the development of innovation and removing the restrictions from the innovators and knowledge-based companies. Deputy Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade continued : due to our slow speed for reaching the necessary technologies, secure shortcuts that help us develop innovation and technology of the world can be used.
Movasaghinia further emphasized: It is better to turn the barriers to promoting innovation in mines into promoter factors and even put aside the limitations in our minds.
He added: “IMIDRO is completly prepared to support  the elite community that tries to  bring mines closer to development and smartization.

Identification of 470 knowledge-based companies in the mining sector

continuing  the meeting, Majid Vafaeifard, the executive director of the Ecosystem of Innovation and Technology of the Mine and Mining Industries Sector (Imino), while explaining the activities, capacities and plans of the mentioned center, stated: More than 470 knowledge-based companies have been identified in the mining sector and our reports indicates that regarding the knowledge-based economy the share of mines and mining industries  is low, and most of them face the challenge of financing and developing the market.
Referring to the 4th Innomine  Festival and its innovative and technological sections, he added, “Currently, we have developed and presented an independent regulation supporting value-creating ideas and start-up businesses of the mining sector and the mining industry, and formation of mining CVC and providing solutions for financing the innovation of the mining sector according to IMIDRO’s capacities.
It is worthy to mention that at the end of this meeting, the deputy minister of industry , mine &trade was briefed on the activities of nine Imino based startups that  with new ideas came to the mining and mining industries  field and visited the shared space of the center.
