Managing Director of Shadegan Steel Industry Company announced:

A macro view to  the steel industry is a necessity

Managing director of Shadegan Steel Company in an interview with Chilan regarding the increase in gas prices of steel industries stated: With recent decisions about increasing gas rates and establishing  export taxes for the steel chain, it is necessary that the country’s major decision-makers  to have a comprehensive look at all the issues of the steel industry,  as steel  industry is considered as  job creator and the fall of this industry creates a wave of unemployment in the country.
Kohzad  stated: Every year the slogan of support for production is presented and we expect it to be realized, but what happens in practice is the losses of manufacturing companies, including steel companies, which unfortunately causes production with fundamental crises.
Managing director of Foolad Shadegan continued: Due to the advantage of cheap natural gas, the Iranian steel industry has advanced from the DRI path and electric arc furnaces and has moved away from production by blast furnace method. The founders of Iran’s steel industry have established the steel industry based to the natural gas and iron ore reserves, so the indiscriminate increase in gas prices deprives the steelmakers of the benefits , and this destroys the economic feasibility production and competitive advantage of the country’s steel.

Shadegan Steel Development Plans

Kohzad announced:  presented a description of the development plans of Shadgan Steel Industry Company and stated: Shadegan Steel has a plan to increase the annual production capacity of steel to two million tons and increase annual production of sponge iron to more than 2.5 million tons.

Start of Exports in Shadegan Steel

Managing director of Shadegan Steel about sending the first export cargo of this complex statd : Shadegan Steel has just sent the first export cargo; Khouzestan Steel company is our  main customer of our sponge iron product, but as the company itself has increased production of this product and its megamodule of 1.7 million tons will soon be put into operation and sponge iron export program is in progress.
