Turkish Steel Association protests over import surplus

Iran and Saudi Arabia threaten Turkey’s steel industry

The amount of  Turkey,s steel import  has increased to such an  certain extent this year that the Turkish Association of Steel Producers has called for government intervention.
According to the secretary-general of the association, due to possession of  cheap energy, the Iranian and Saudi steel industry are a threat to Turkey’s steel industry.
According to eurometal ,The Association of Turkish Steel Producers called for government intervention in the issue of excess steel imports to Turkey, which has affected Turkey’s domestic steel production.
According to the association in July, steel production in Turkey increased after 14 months of production decline, while steel imports to the country have also increased.

Turkey’s production and imports this year.

According to the Turkish Steel Association, in July  steel production rose 7.7 percent from the previous month (June) to 2.9 million tonnes, while in the first seven months of this year (January to July), Turkish steel production fell 13.3 percent compared to the same period last year, with a volume of 18 million and 800 thousand tonnes.
Also, according to the Association of Steel Producers of Turkey, imports of wire to the country in the seven months of this year compared to the same period last year grew by 93.3%, and Turkey in this time imported 862’464 tons of steel wire under the code 7213 , in addition to wire imports , hot sheets imports under the code 7208 in seven months of this year was 203.83 percent more from seven months ago.
Turkey’s steel imports from China were 84% higher in seven months than last year.

Energy in Turkey is more expensive than Iran and Saudi Arabia

Vissel Yayan, secretary general of the Association of Steel Producers of Turkey, while interviewing with  a local newspaper stated that steel production in the Persian Gulf countries, especially Saudi Arabia and Iran, has a cheap energy advantage, a privilege that the Turkish steel industry does not have access to, and energy costs for Turkish steelmakers are higher than those of the Gulf countries and Europe.

He added that these countries produce cheap steel because of this advantage, but Turkey’s steel industry should limit the volume of imports of cheap steel products to the country with protective measures.
