Mehdiabad connected to the national electricity grid / Cold testing of the factory began in August

According to Public Relations of IMIDRO: Hamid Reza Hedayat, the manager of this complex, announced the connection of the Mehdiabad  to the nationwide electricity grid.
He added: In order to provide electricity for the construction of the Mehdiabad Lead and Zinc Processing Plant, Bahadoran 33/132/400 kV Substation has been established at a distance of 27 km from the complex.

Private sector important action

Also, the construction of a 132 kV transmission line from the mentioned substation has been carried out with a length of 27 km.
Today transmission Electricity from the substation by transmission line to Mahdiabad lead and zinc factories can be observed. This unique and specific private sector action eliminates the need of the Mehdiabad project to one of the most basic infrastructures. He continued , the required electricity of all three phases of this project are predicted to be 80 MW.

 Pre-commissioning and testing of the plant with the national grid power.

Hedayat added: Currently, the first constraction phase of  Mehdiabad factories project with 93% progress is going to be launched. He emphasized that cold tests and subsequent hot testing of the factory (200,000 tons of zinc concentrate production) has been done by the diesel generator.
Due to reaching, which the national electricity to “Mahdiabad”, the desired tests are directly performed by using the country’s national grid.
