Localization targeting in current year was announced

Localization program of $750 million in mine and mining industries leading by IMIDRO

The foreign exchange saving of Mining companies & Mining Industries’ Localization Program is expected to reach about $750 million this year.
In this planning, mining companies and mining industries will participate in steel, copper, aluminum and coal chain and special economic zones.
Last year’s localization target was more than $500 million.
Earlier, in line with the implementation of the IMIDRO policies during three years ending 1401, the amount of currency savings (localization) reached $1.7 billion and by achieving the target of $750 million in 1402 it will reach a total of $2.45 billion.
IMIDRO has been leading the foreign exchange saving strategy in the sector of components and producing equipment in the mine and mining industries sector for several years through its executive arm, the Localization Office.
The Organization for Development and Renovation of Mines and Mineral Industries of Iran (IMIDRO) has been leading the foreign exchange saving strategy in the mining and mining industries sector for several years through its executive arm, the Localization Office.
