Khuzestan steel company tries to Gain 25% Share of Iranian Steel Market

According to themanaging director of Khuzestan Steel Company, 15 percent share of Iran’s steel market  belongs to this company and efforts are being taken to increase its share to 25 percent.
Amin Ebrahimi, managing director of Khuzestan Steel Company explained the production prospects in this company and stated : Khuzestan Steel Company as the second largest steel producer in Iran and the largest producer of ingot and slab in the country and having 16,000 employees has a 10 to 15 percent share of the country’s steel market.
He added: The company hadnot significant development activities in the past years, however, it has defined a vision for 1410 and plans to produce 13 million and 600 thousand tons and achieve a 25 percent of the market share.
Ebrahimi also stated that this company intends to move its production towards higher value-added products and end products in the steel chain, and accordingly in this regard various projects have been  prepared and defined.
He added that steel making of  Shadegan Steel Project with a production capacity of 800,000 tons of  and Zamzam 3 megamodule with a capacity of 1.7 million tons of steel will enter the market  this year..
