Ghadir Neyriz Steel on the way to Stock Exchange

The first pre-admission meeting of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex in the capital market was held at Farabourse Company.
Mohsen Mostafapour, the managing director of the complex while announcing this news, stated:
In line with financing the ongoing projects and establishing presence in the value chain of the country’s steel industry, promoting financial clarity and profitability for shareholders, This complex is ready to enter the capital market .Today the first operational step to be accepted in the Securities & Exchange Organization is being taken.He continued: we are going to achieve the necessary permits from shareholders and by assistance of the stock exchange, we hope that the process of evaluating the assets and reviewing and verifying the financial statements of the company will be completed very soon, and we will observe the icon of Ghadir Neyriz Steel Complex in the trading boards of the capital market.Ghadir Neyriz Steel Company is one of the subsidiaries of “Vakeghadir” and this company, led by Mohsen Mostafapour, in recent years had a glowing performance in all areas of sales, profitability, development of major projects and exploitation of side projects.
