Steel production stands at 56.5m tons in first half of the year

Production of steel in Iran stood at 56.5 million tons in the first half of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21-September 22), the Iranian Steel Producers Association (ISPA) announced.
As previously announced by an official with the ISPA, production of steel in the country increased by 8.5 percent in the previous Iranian calendar year 1401 (ended on March 20), as compared to the preceding year.
According to Vahid Yaghoubi, the country’s steel production reached 30.4 million tons in the previous year, while the output stood at 28 million tons in the year 1400.
The latest report by the World Steel Association (WSA) indicates that Iran’s steel output rose by 1.1 percent in the first eight months of 2023 as compared to the same period in the previous year.
According to the WSA data, Iran produced 19.7 million tons of crude steel in the mentioned eight months.
Iran was ranked 10th among the world’s top steel producers during the first eight months of 2023.
The Islamic Republic’s monthly crude steel output stood at 1.6 million tons in August, indicating a decrease of 24.1 percent compared to the figure for August 2022.
The Iranian Steel industry has been constantly developing over the past years against all the pressures and obstacles created by outside forces like the U.S. sanctions and the coronavirus outbreak that has severely affected the performance of the world’s top producers.
The country is expected to climb to seventh place among the world’s top steel producers by the Iranian calendar year 1404 (March 2025).
