By the help& power of God and with the increasing efforts of all who were involved in the steelmaking project of Ghaenat Steel Complex, including management, complex personnel and other personnel in Iritec, MCC and Barso companies, with the cooperation of the head and personnel of the gas department of Ghaenat city, the gas injection operation of the industrial gas line of the steelmaking unit of Ghaenat Steel Complex was carried out, and the vertical ladle preheater was launched.
The mentioned preheater is used to preheat the ladle to a temperature of 1100 degrees Celsius and prepare it for the discharge of the melt from the electric arc furnace. Setting up this part of the steelmaking unit is one of the prerequisites for melting in an electric arc furnace.
Abdi, the manager of the Ghaenat Steel Complex, while stating that the Ghaenat Steel Complex is on the way to sustainable development, added: With the launch of these units, the steelmaking unit of this complex will be opened in the near future.