German distributors’ sales fall slightly in first half

Germany’s stockholding distributors sold a combined 5.016 million tonnes of steel products in the first half of the year, around 100,000t less than in H1 2023.

The first two quarters did not differ much, with 2.469mt sold in Q1 and 2.448mt in Q2, Kallanish learns from distributors’ association Bundesverband Deutscher Stahlhandel (BDS).

The average sales volume per month was 816,000t. Split by product group, long products on average accounted for 250,000 t/month and flat products for 495,000t. Miscellaneous other products, such as wire rod, accounted for 71,000t.

In a comparison of the last months of the respective periods, June 2024 was virtually equal to June 2023, with both registering around 830,000t of sales. BDS provides no interpretation of whether this could mean that stockholders’ activity has now more or less synchronised with last year. In March, the difference was still more pronounced – 817,000t this year versus 994,000t in March 2023.

In terms of inventory tonnage, the monthly average was 1.964mt in Q1 and 1.948mt in Q2. Inventories of long products in the second quarter were 637,000t, flat products totalled 1.267mt, and miscellaneous products 44,000t.

Until the end of 2022, the monthly average inventory was above 2.18mt, with all months normally above the 2mt mark. Since early 2023, only three months, July 2023, February 2024 and April 2024 eclipsed that mark, by some 1,000t.
