The definitive delivery meeting of the sub-line railway project of Sabzevar Pars Foolad Company was Carried Out

During a meeting on Tuesday, July 31, 2024 with the presence of members of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways’ definitive delivery commission, consisting of experts of the IRI Railways Company and Khorasan Razavi Railways, as well as representatives of the employer and the project consultant, and contractor, the final delivery of Sabzevar Pars Foolad Company’s railways Sub-line was held.

Niknam, the Developing Manager of Sabzevar Pars Foolad Company, stated: “This antenna line, which branches from the new Esfarayen station, connects Sabzevar Pars Foolad complex to the main Mashhad-Tehran railway line.

 By launching this sub-line, in the first phase, an annual handling capacity of 1.2 million tons of incoming pellets to Sabzevar Pars Foolad Company is being provided. Additionally, the infrastructure has been constructed in such way that with the completion of the second phase of pavement, this capacity will reach 4 million tons per year.

Niknam further added, “Using railways for long-distance freight transportation has many advantages that justify its use. Including:

  1. High capacity of material carrying
  2. Lower energy consumption and pollution by reducing diesel usage
  3. Timely supply of raw materials for production
  4. Low fair rates
  5. Cost reduction of raw material transportation
  6. Safety over other ways of transportation